Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Update #1


Thought I’d start doing a little weekly update on life and what is happening and what day would be more suitable than Sunday? (Of course I know that this is not a new idea but it’s not like I could care less.)

So it’s the first Sunday of the year and I just drove my sis to the rail station to catch her train back to Vienna. In two days I will be leaving for Beijing again and it felt like these couple of weeks went in a blink of an eye. I managed to see all my best friends, spend a lot of time with my family and even sneaked in some nice little shopping (Primark hehe) but I always feel a certain melancholy when I pack my bags and leave for another place. When I am in Germany I don’t want to leave, when I am in London I want to stay and I never want to say goodbye to Beijing. I am still waiting desperately for a teleport so that I can finally be at all the places and with all the people I love…

I am starting my new job in a couple of days which is very exiting (I did work there for a trial period of a week already to see if it suits me) and I am looking forward to a couple of interesting projects. Of course I am also missing my friends in Beijing and can’t wait to see them again.

Unfortunately a new job always means that you have fewer holidays and it might be a while until I am back home again. Thinking about the future always troubles me a little because I didn’t really choose the easiest path and there are always sticks and stones in the way that you have to get past in order to achieve your goals. But I guess it will all be worth it in the end and there are so many great things that are happening on the way so stick to your dreams and make it happen. 2014 is going to be a great year.

2014 is going to be my year.

What I did this week:

  • Saw -  Doctor’s Diary – An awesome German TV series from a couple of years back
  • ListenedLorde - Royals
  • Learned -   a bit about HTML/Design, a little bit Chinese vocab
  • Ate – Sushi, sushi, sushi.
  • Read -  HTML/Web hosting/design tutorials
  • Drank -  All the (non alcoholic) leftovers from NYE
  • Thought -  Why do so many things go wrong when you really need them to work
  • Wished -  to be at home for one more week
  • Bought -  a couple of bits and pieces from the sale + Primark craziness


  1. Congrats on your new job! :)

  2. It sounds like you have a lot coming up. I hope that the new job goes well!

  3. I love this idea!! The 'saw, ate, listened, etc' list is a quick way to jot down what you have been doing! I am going to try it out!

    I am a new bloglovin' follower!

    Hope xx

  4. Welcome back in BJ ... freue mich auch schon darauf, bald wieder zu Hause zu sein (bei den Katzen -_- !!!)
    Bis bald. :-*

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